As you're scrolling through, please reach out to your den leaders or Cub Master if you have any questions. We're always here for you.
Here at Pack 962, we understand children are ready for different experiences at different times, so we support a variety of summer camp experiences. On this page, you'll find links to various camps, a breakdown of what each camping experience entails, and some additional guides and information at the bottom of the page. As always, if you have any questions talk with your den leader or our Cub Master.
It's important to note that as of June your scout has moved up in rank; thus, a current Lion would be attending camp as a Tiger in the summer. So in essence when signing up for summer camps, you'll be signing your scout up based on their next rank not their current rank.
Scouts should always bring a daypack, a foldable chair they can carry, and a water bottle no matter what camp they're attending.
All adults attending camps MUST BE YPT Trained. Training is online and can be found here.
Camps for cub scouts are broken up into 3 categories.
Day/Twilight Camp is hosted by our district, Goose Creek, every year at the Loudoun County Fair Grounds and all scouts and adults need to have filed a medical AB form with the pack prior to attending. This camp is run by YPT-trained leaders and adults from our district. Camp usually runs from about 8:30am until 5:30pm for 5 days at the Loudoun County Fair Grounds. Parents are encouraged to attend with their scouts, and if possible to help with the planning and running of the camp.
The following two camps require a Medical ABC form that must be filled out and signed by a doctor. Click here to download the form.
Weekend-Camp allows scouts to get a taste of what actual summer camp is like without being gone for 7 days. Typically camp check-in begins Thursday night and camp ends on Sunday morning. This is a great opportunity for Wolfs and Bears to get some summer camp experience before attending the longer camps as Weblos and AOLs.
Finally, there is week-long overnight camp. These types of camps are indicative of what Boy Scout summer camp will be like. These camps are only open to Weblos and AOL's.
It is also possible for scouts and families to camp at various BSA locations that we don't take the Pack to. Places like Philmont and Goshen offer options that allow scouts to attend without pack involvement. Scroll down for more information on these opportunities.
In Council Camps
Goose Creek Day Camp is a camp hosted by our district that typically takes place at the Loudoun County Fair Grounds in Leesburg, VA. The 2023 dates for this camp aren't out yet.
Camp Snyder is the NCAC Cub Scout Camp in Haymarket, VA. This camp offers the following options for cubs:
Camp Ross, part of the camps of Goshen, is an NCAC camp that has programs for rising Weblos and AOLs. This is a week-long overnight camp.
Out of Council Camps
Camp Rock Enon in the Shenandoah District offers the following Cub Scout Options the last weekend of June and the first week of July:
Choose Summer Camp and complete the form below
Note: You only need to fill out the form once for multiple scouts.

For a different kind of experience, Camp Broad Creek, outside of Baltimore, offers a "Family Camp" style overnight experience, where Scouts and siblings can participate in the Scout Camp activities, supervised by their parents.
The one, the only, Philmont Scout Ranch offers Family Camp! Travel to New Mexico to take in the wonder of the 140,700+ acres of wilderness that has been the heart of Scouting for decades. Programs for all ages now available, and you don't even have to sleep in a tent to enjoy it!
Hiking, crafts, horseback riding, shooting sports, Philmont is a smorgasbord or outdoor adventures! Open to registered members of the BSA and they families- Check it out here.
Family adventure camp is now offered at The Summit, and Sea Base!