Make sure to log all your hikes in order for them to count towards advancement.

Pack 962 Hiking and Geocache Program

Created by Tim Pula

This hiking program invites scouts and adults to be more active in the outdoors, to learn more about the environment, practice “Leave No Trace,” and learn what type of wild animals and birds live in our local area. The geocaching aspect provides scouts with a way to learn basic navigational skills while participating in a fun and interactive outdoor experience.

The hiking program runs year-round from June to the following May. Scouts can earn credit towards

their awards by participating in monthly pack/den hikes and campout hikes. Most hikes will be within an hour’s drive of the Lovettsville area. Hikes range from 1.5 to 5 miles each (1 1⁄2 to 2 1⁄2 hrs). All scouts and families of Pack 962 are welcome to participate in this program; however, only enrolled scouts are eligible for awards. (A parent or guardian is required to accompany his/her Lion or Tiger Scout.) Many locations will also include an educational component such as a museum, nature center, wildlife center, or homestead.

A scout earns credit towards the various awards for every hike he/she goes on in the program. The

awards are tiered and based on the total number of hikes a scout participates in. To enhance this experience, they will be able to earn a Hiking Stick, as well as other rewards pertaining to their participation and milestones. They will receive a string when earning their first bead. A bead is earned for each official hike and is a way to track how many hikes you have done. You may attach this to your hiking staff, hang it at home, or on your uniform at pack/den meetings.

1. Scouts earn a bead for every hike they go on

2. After 3 official hikes, scouts earn an official pack walking stick (given 1 time in a scout's career)

3. Scouts who participate in 90% of the hikes offered will receive the golden t-shirt of hiking

Only official Pack, Den, or Camping Hikes will count toward this program and must be entered

into Scoutbook by typing the name and date of the hike on the event!

Hiking and Geocaching

  • All Scouts are required to have a guardian on the hike with them at all times unless otherwise stated or arranged with your leader(s) to ensure proper YPT Coverage. Lions and Tigers must always be accompanied by their Parent Partner.

  • Wear comfortable clothing, shoes, and hats as needed, scout apparel preferred

  • Scouts are responsible for carrying their own gear – so keep it light! Starting with your
    6 Essentials (Water, Trail Food, Flashlight, Sun Protection, First Aid Kit, Whistle) - Also consider insect repellent and weather appropriate items

  • Siblings may participate, but will not earn awards.

  • In order to get credit for a hike you must comment on the post in Scoutbook, with the Scout’s name and the date, without communication from you we have no way of knowing if you completed the hike!

  • In order to get credit for a geocache find, please provide the location of the cache along with the Scout’s name and the date on the monthly hike in Scoutbook, or the geocache reminder event in Scoutbook.

Hiking Form