
Here you can find out about the uniform pieces required for the various ranks. To uniform a new Scout for Pack 962 will cost you around $90, but many of the pieces will be good for multiple years, so choose your sizes carefully.

You may optionally decide to purchase a Red Vest to provide a place for your Scout to put their participation patches.

We often make neckerchief slides, also called woggles, don't feel obligated to purchase more than one.

Patches required for the uniform shirts- Red Unit numbers (962), and a purple World Crest emblem. Scouts receive their Council Patch as a gift from Pack 962 at their first Pack meeting!

A word about pants/shorts/skirts- Due to the high cost and limited wear of official Scout pants, Pack 962 allows blue pants, shorts, and skirts from other stores, as well as denim. Please, no basketball shorts or other shiny "athletic wear". Webelos and AOLs wear olive green pants or shorts, or jeans.

If purchasing a uniform is a financial hardship, the Pack maintains a uniform closet so anyone who wants to be a Scout, can be a Scout!

Want to learn to tie "The Friendship Knot" for your neckerchief?


Lions wear the Lion t-shirt, yellow neckerchief, slide, hat, and Cub Scout belt. They also need a Lion book.

Adult partners wear an adult Lion t-shirt, Lion polo shirt, or the Pack 962 "Class B".

Lion Brochure


Tigers wear the blue Cub Scout uniform shirt (we recommend short sleeves), patches, the orange neckerchief, slide, Cub Scout belt, and hat. They also need a Tiger book.

Adult partners wear a Tiger t-shirt, polo, or the Pack 962 "Class B".

Tiger Brochure


Wolves wear the blue Cub Scout uniform shirt (we recommend short sleeves), patches, the red neckerchief, hat, slide, and Cub Scout Belt. They also need a Wolf book.

Wolf Brochure


Bears wear the blue Cub Scout uniform shirt (we recommend short sleeves), patches, the blue hat, neckerchief, slide, and Cub Scout Belt. They also need a Bear Book.

Bear Brochure


Webelos wear the blue Cub Scout uniform shirt, patches, the plaid hat, neckerchief, slide and Cub Scout belt. They also need a Webelos book. The hat, neckerchief, slide and book are good for the Arrow of Light year also.

Webelos Brochure

Arrow of Light

Arrow of Light Scouts (also called AOL's) wear the tan Scouts BSA uniform shirt (which can last them several more years in Scouting), patches, the plaid Webelos neckerchief, hat, slide, and Cub Scout belt. They also wear the green Scouts BSA pants or shorts, or denim. If they don't have a Webelos book, they need one of those.

AOL Brochure